Day 3: Wrap It Up with a Bow
Get that homework out from Day 1 and Day 2, and let’s wrap this branding session up! (Day 1 link: Day 2 link: )
We’ve identified what you sell to your clients or customers, and where you can connect with them online. So… now what?
The lists you have created will help you figure out where to target your marketing efforts.
For example:
Are your customers or clients frequenting the same place online? Put ads there.
Are most of your customers telling your new customer prospects about your service or products? Reward existing customers with gift cards or other incentives through a referral program.
Do all of your clients read the same magazine? Buy their list and send out a postcard with a special offer.
When your customers eat out, do they all like the same place? Trying sending out a gift card to this restaurant once a month to a customer who has provided feedback or purchased a large item.
Are your clients mostly the parents of high school age children? Donate to local high school organizations promoting ideals that you prioritize in your company. Music, athletics, agricultural education, and other programs are very appreciative of any financial contributions.
With a better understanding of your marketing focus, let’s move on to how you can leverage your knowledge to provide more for your customers.
You probably have an ideal way that you want to serve your clients or customers. How can you take this mental view in your head and translate to influence their behavior?
Onboarding is when you control the first impression. You have a great opportunity to mold that customer’s perception, so take advantage to plan in advance! That good first impression will take you far.
The second step is to engineer regular contact with your customers. You can do this through advertising in magazines they read. Or you could arrange for an annual visit and take them to lunch. Or you could send them a monthly newsletter. Whatever you choose to do, this is your best way of serving them with 100% of your abilities.
The final step is to show your gratitude to your customers. Maybe a holiday card or gift basket (perhaps with a bow!) would be appropriate. May you recognize them in another, more public way. You must, must, must show gratitude, because without them, you would not have a business.
Whew! We finished that “fun” process we call branding. We hope that you have experienced some thought transformation with all three of these articles!
Speaking of branding, we just redesigned our website – let us know what you think:
Happy Branding!