Email Victory
Today’s edition of Tuesday Timesaver Tips is geared toward email efficiency.
No judgment if you aren’t using them, but do you have automatic filters set up?
Most email providers or software can automatically file email messages in folders for you. Then when you read the message, it is already filed in the appropriate folder to keep.
While we are talking about email, have you tried using the 3 folder inbox system? It is very similar to a paper organizing system. Your inbox is the “needs attention” box. Create two other folders – one named “do within a week” and one named “do within a month”. To use the system, when you check your email, file the messages in the appropriate folder right away. Then you can handle the immediate needs right away, and work on the other folders when you get a chance.
Email is way worse than snail mail – it builds up so quickly! Another great tip is to make sure that your email notifications only pop up at regular intervals – like every 30 or 60 minutes. This limits distractions so you can focus on other tasks much better (talking from personal experience here!).