Phrase of the day: “Attitude of gratitude”
Just wrapped up our local county fair last weekend. Our whole family is involved with the event, from fair board to 4-H participation, livestock, sewing, cake decorating and horse events.
Looking through all the amazing creations in the 4-H building reminded me of how thankful for all the great sponsors for these events.
Sponsors for ribbon premiums, livestock sale premiums, local grants, local vendor discounts, event volunteers, workshop helpers, and the list goes on and on.
The kids in our area have tremendous opportunities as a direct result of the local contributions of time and dollars. Lots of thank you notes are sent out after the fair concludes to thank the many donors.
We have all received help at some point in our business careers or leadership development, whether that was business advice, funding sources, or common sense guidance.
Have you shown an Attitude of Gratitude lately?